Friday, September 18, 2009

There Goes the Retirement Account

You know that Alice Starmore book on Fair Isle?  The one that was listed for astronomical amounts on eBay?  The one I was keeping to fund my retirement?

Well, the speculative market just crashed.  Dover has re-issued the title.

Seriously, I'm delighted by the news.  I love this book and wouldn't have sold my copy for any amount.   


  1. Oh gosh, I'm scared to death of fair isle, but maybe I'll try it with the help of this great looking book ;-).

  2. I think that the way it works is that your original book will still be valuable (although perhaps not as valuable as before), but the number of people who are interested in it will drop dramatically. There are always those who want the first edition.

  3. i saw it at my LYS; all the charts made me think of fillet crochet. i may have to borrow a copy.
    marie in florida
    mym on ravelry

  4. I can't wait to see one because I want to know. 300.00 my foot.

    I have the book that she and her daughter wrote up about all the Elizabethan designs. They are pretty, they are complex, you know what? They are all done in FINGERING WEIGHT.


  5. Bummer!...though there's now hope for me to actually own a nice book like that...

    I have Pacific Coast Highway, which I bought for about $5.00 at Half Price Books, and I told DH at that time of the book's value, and I'm pretty sure he was skeptical, until I showed him the price on eBay at that time -- around $160 I think... Perhaps you'll see Pacific Coast Highway in the advertisements next month... :-)


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