Saturday, September 19, 2009


Last spring I purchased a skein of of fingering weight from Creatively Dyed Yarn. It intrigued me because the colors are sort of "edgy" and the color repeats irregular. It's exactly the kind of coloring that wouldn't work for a lot a lace patterns. I decided that I wanted it to be a triangle scarf or small shawl for fall, and, perversely, I wanted it to have some lace elements to it.

So far, the yarn is cooperating in a way that I like. And so far, I like the design well enough to want to write it up properly. The problem I'm running into as the piece gets wider is this: the chart will be really big, too big to print out the full width on a single page. The pattern isn't complex, it just takes up a lot of room to chart out. So now I'm trying to figure out the most reasonable/comprehensible way to break it down.


  1. Arrr! Slash it wi' yer cutlass, matey!


  2. It's lovely! I really like how it's turning out so far!

  3. I love 'big chart' lace!
    I too, have been working with some lace yarn with 'difficult' colours. I have three theories of what works with it. One, is to have lots of 'solid' areas where the colours can be seen, and two, is to have a small stitch repeat so the colours can blend. It looks like you're doing these two together in one project; that's cool! My third idea is a pattern that has a strong graphic, repeating, type element, instead of delicate lace. I'm making "Moonlight Sonata" from and I think it's working out--it has the strong graphic element, but also the little circles where you can see the individual colours.
    But this wasn't the first try with the yarn, LOL!

  4. I got the book - all the way from California in my brother's suitcase!

    What beautiful designs and photos. I'm going to bring it to my knitting group this week to show off!


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