Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Very Satisfying Weekend - part 2

Day 2 of Wisconsin Sheep and Wool:  My class with Cat Bordhi.

Not to mince words, Cat is a wonderful teacher.  She is warm, funny, well prepared, affirming, and inspiring.  If she were offering a class on fish gutting, I would take it.  Fortunately, this class was on understanding and using the sock "architectures" in her New Pathways book.  I came away with the sense that now I understand the "whys" of this contruction as well as the "hows", which is exactly what I was hoping for.  Maybe just as importantly, I came out feeling energized with the creative juices flowing.


One thing Cat showed us, almost as an aside, was the newly published Jeny's Surprisingly Stretchy Bind Off.  Good for sock tops, but it also strikes me that it would be useful for neck openings, or for a triangle shawl knit from the bottom point upwards (because I just hate a tight edge at the top of the shawl).

I forgot to mention that while cruising the vendors on Saturday I learned a new yarn store will be opening in Mt Horeb.  "The Cat and Crow" will be opening on Oct. 3 "specializing in local and fair trade knitting, spinning, and other creative fiber arts supplies."  Mo Brown, who was one of the founders of The Sow's Ear, is co-owner. 


  1. Too cute, that sock! Moe told me about the store too. Great! A convenient place to buy her roving. Crap!

  2. Well yay! A class that met/exceeded expectations! That's great.

    (says the anti-socker) ;-)

  3. great fun - there can never be enough socks knitted :)

  4. I forgot all about the Sheep and Wool Festival this year...not that I would have had time to go...but still, I can't believe it totally got by me.

    A new store in Mt. Horeb! That's awesome!


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