Saturday, March 14, 2009

Wahoo, will you look at that!

"Um, yeah, it's a window. Kind of dirty, isn't it?"

"Well, yes, I guess so, but that's not the point."

"So what's the point?"

"It's open. It's an open window! And there is lovely, sunny, really reasonably warm air coming in through it." [dancing off] "Yay, yay, yay, tra la!"

Meanwhile, out in the yard a few brave tulips are pushing up leaves. These look a little overcrowded, don't know if they will bloom this year or not, but for now I'm happy just to see them.


  1. You betcha an open window!!!

    I have been watching anxiously for my daffodils, but nothing yet...

  2. You have bulbs popping up?? We have a lot of mud. Still, you gotta go through mud season to get to what comes next.

  3. Me too - hurrah for open windows!

  4. You are going to go look for asparagus now, right? Lucky.

  5. my tulips are nowhere to be seen, but I too had an open window this weekend! And I'm in open toed shoes - that may be a bit early, but I'll chance it...

  6. Spurred on by your photo, I looked around my yard for signs of spring. Snow drops!!!! I'll have to photograph them. My windows are open today--the new energy saving windows we had installed in early February. No energy is being saved today--fresh air is wafting through the house.

  7. Yay! Spring is coming!


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