Friday, March 13, 2009

Reach Should Exceed Grasp, mumble, mumble

more than you can chew.....

The purple vest is not particularly hard to knit, but it is hard for me to write down exactly what I am doing in a coherent fashion, and I think that grading it for more than one size may be beyond me altogether, at least in it's current form.

I think it was a mistake to work the button bands all in one piece with the body. Firstly, because this turns a 4 row pattern repeat into a 12 row pattern repeat, at least on the buttonhole side. Secondly, because this turns a fairly easy to "read" pattern stitch into an exercise in minutely careful row counting (again on buttonhole side). Thirdly, because halfway up I decided that I would like to make a change in the buttonhole band (it really needs an extra stitch); but to fix it I couldn't just rip back the band, I would have to rip back the whole piece. I ain't going to do it. Also, if I were starting over I would definitely work it in one piece to the armholes. Just sayin'.

But having come this far, I have charged ahead and finished the right front.

I'm not convinced this couldn't be turned into a workable pattern. But it will need some tweaking.



    Heh. Now go make yourself a Harvey Wallbanger Cake and press on!

  2. It's Friday, I may skip the cake and head straight for the vodka. Oh wait, I haven't picked up the vodka yet.

  3. Well, you're done with the button band, the vest front looks really good and what do you mean you didn't get the vodka yet??


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