Tuesday, March 17, 2009

It's probably safe to put these away

though I'm superstitious enough to think it will be best to leave them there for just a little while.

Spring always startles me. You wait and wait through false starts and regressions, wondering whether it will ever really come. And then one day, boom!, it's here; and you know in your bones that, no matter what the weather does for the rest of March, some corner has been definitively turned. Sunday was like that, and I've spent much of the last three days out in the yard, beginning the cleanup.

On the right side of the picture: ground covered with leaves and overgrown with grass (and other weeds). On the left side of the picture: ground muddy, but relatively clear. This isn't all that I've accomplished in three days. I did the bed along the front sidewalk first. There's a good bit off to the right (at least twice what you see here) that I haven't touched. Hope the weather holds. It's spring. I'll swear by that. But this is Wisconsin.


  1. We still have snow/ice piles and very mushy ground so there's not even a chance of a rake hitting the ground for 2 weeks. Don't jinx yourself - leave the shovels out!

  2. Yeah, I wouldn't put that shovel away just yet. That's a sure fire way to evoke the Blizzard Gods!

  3. I would leave one out, and near the door. It's not April YET!

  4. I fyou put the shovels away and it snows again - we'll know who to blame!
    Although now if we get snow, it's that "last one day then it's gone" type. I hope. It's still to early to get out into my garden, but I can dream...

  5. Isn't it glorious, the feeling that spring is really here:)

  6. If we get another snow dump I'm gonna blame you ;-)


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