Friday, September 21, 2007

This 'n That

Ravelry. It sounds terrific, so why haven't I signed up? Scared of the amount of time I would end up spending there, mostly. Something tells me I may be leaving myself out of an important loop, though. So if anyone is on board, what feature(s) to do like best/use the most? Are there features you don't use at all?

Vista/Windows 2007: Given that Word is the most basic application that I (and I suspect most people) use, you would think that they would have made the transition in this area absolutely seamless. Unless, of course, this is a deliberate part of the evil Microsoft world domination plot.

I can open my old documents in the new system, but it messes with the formatting a bit, which is a pain when the document I want to open is a knitting pattern that I want to print out for sale. Not a big mess up, just cutting off the footer where I've included copyright and contact info. I can deal with it, I just don't want to have to deal with it.

Of more concern is the question of emailing documents created in the new program to anyone in the vast majority who are still on XP (lucky devils). I can save in "compatibility mode", but the instructions come with the caveat that this could affect formatting as well. This won't be an issue for patterns I sell online, as they are all converted to PDF. But I can imagine other cases where it could be a pain.

Let's just call this "Clip Art Friday" and leave it at that.


  1. I share your concerns about ravelry, though I did put myself into the "queue", even though I really don't have a lot of "extra" time these days ...but I do want to keep a bit of a pulse on things in the cyberknitting world.....

    I think you're onto something with your notion that MicroSoft might be going for world domination..... As a friend from my former employer used to say, "If you have a lot of time, go computer."

    Have a great weekend!

  2. I have spent too much time on Ravelry already but a lot of it has been informative. I find it really useful for getting ideas for future projects and if you like the look of one pattern the links to the designer will let you see more of their work. I've joined a couple of the spinning groups, the forums are helpful and I've had some encouraging feedback which is lovely.

  3. Well, I decided to go ahead and put my name on the Ravelry list. The numbers are quite astounding. There are over 18,000 in line ahead of me. Almost 150 more were added after I signed up yesterday. Those are just the people who are waiting... If the yarn companies and books publishers aren't lined up begging to take out ads they are missing the boat big time. I'm extremely impressed by the communication potential.

  4. I've got only 4,9xx ahead of me at this point in the Ravelry line up. I am, like you, a bit leery of the time it will end up eating...

    You have my sympathy with the Vista changes. Do you think you'd have fewer troubles using the Google Office tools than MS?

  5. Hmmm,I've never used Google Office. Maybe I should go take a look.

  6. Google office? Never heard of it.. I just bit the bullet and bought MS Office.. mainly for the speech recognition for a big project I am trying to get done!
    About Ravelry.. I am in ,, have been for a while I don't spend too much time in there but it is a great networking tool for designers to use, it gives you another platform to 'advertise' your designs.
    so that is deginitely a plus!


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