Saturday, September 22, 2007

Finished Objects

"Rainy Day on Dear Waves"

Opal Socks


  1. The socks are really cool. But I gotta know: Why are your pictures reversed? Is it a test to see how observant we all are?

  2. You took the pictures yourself in a mirror, right? I had to think about it for a second. But the socks are cool. The way the stripes change from being all Jaywalker into being more circular gives them a unique look.

  3. *G* Pictures in mirror, the only way I could get the angles I wanted. It was still quite a balancing act, hence the stack of books, piled on top of a Smiley's yarn box. After the fact I did think about it being a little challenge to figure out the titles.

  4. Oooo! They came out great!


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