Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Red Scarf Project Pattern

Well, I thought I might as well write up what I'm doing for the Red Scarf Project. I chose a reversible stitch pattern The New Knitting Stitch Library (Lesley Stanfield, Lark Books), and worked two repeats with a garter border. While the 16 row repeat may look daunting, this is a very logical, easily learned pattern. The sequence of stitches remains the same. It just shifts to the right for the first eight rows, then to the left for the next eight rows.

You can click this picture to make it larger.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, the pattern is a rib variation and draws in while working; but when done in 100% wool blocks flat very nicely. The pattern stitch was originally given in charted format only. I've translated to line by line directions, but there's also a chart at the end.

Approximate Size: 8 x 59 inches


200 gms/440 yds of worsted weight wool (I used Cascade Quattro)
Size 8 (5 mm) knitting needles or size needed to obtain gauge


16 sts = 4 inches in pattern stitch after blocking

Pattern Stitch

Row 1: k6, (k4, p1, k1, p4, k1, p1) twice, k6.

Row 2: k5, pl, (k1, p1, k4, p1, k1, p4) twice, p1, k5.

Row 3: k6, (k3, p1, k1, p4, k1, p1, k1) twice, k6.

Row 4: k5, p1, (p1, k1, pl, k4, p1, k1, p3) twice, p1, k5.

Row 5: k6, (k2, p1, k1, p4, k1, p1, k2) twice, k6.

Row 6: k5, p1, (p2, k1, p1, k4, p1, k1, p2) twice, p1, k5.

Row 7: k6, (k1, p1, k1, p4, k1, p1, k3) twice, k6.

Row 8: k5, p1, (p3, k1, p1, k4, p1, k1, p1) twice, p1, k5.

Row 9: k6, (p1, k1, p4, k1, p1, k4) twice, k6.

Row 10: k5, p1, (p4, k1, p1, k4, p1, k1) twice, p1, k5.

Row 11: k6, (k1, p1, k1, p4, k1, p1, k3) twice, k6.

Row 12: k5, p1, (p3, k1, p1, k4, p1, k1, p1) twice, p1, k5.

Row 13: k6, (k2, p1, k1, p4, k1, p1, k2) twice, k6.

Row 14: k5, p1, (p2, k1, p1, k4, p1, k1, p2) twice, p1, k5.

Row 15: k6, (k3, p1, k1, p4, k1, p1, k1) twice, k6.

Row 16: k5, p1, (p1, k1, p1, k4, p1, k1, p3) twice, p1, k5.


Cast on 36 stitches.
Knit 10 rows.
Repeat Rows 1 - 16 of Pattern Stitch until scarf measures approximately 58 inches, ending by working either Row 8 or Row 16.
Knit 10 rows.
Bind off.

For those who prefer a chart, here it is. The stitches between the red lines are worked twice on every row.

Blank squares are knit on the odd numbered rows and purled on the even numbered rows.
Squares with a dot are purled on the odd numbered rows and knit on the even numbered rows.

I this can also be enlarged by clicking on it.


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