Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Now What?

At a certain point, the question of toes arises.

I had thought out an Inventive Toe, that I hoped would make the stripes do interesting things. It didn't really, and it was oddly lumpy. So I ripped it out (without taking a picture.) Now I am back to a pretty much standard wedge toe.

I did move the chevron increases outward from the center a few times before starting the toe decreases. This was to ease the transition between the bias fabric of the foot and the straight fabric of the toe. If you look closely, you can see where this is happening in that top orange stripe.

Now I'm thinking about spirals....


  1. You have more patience with a sock than I have! It's looking quite fun, though!

  2. What if you had done short rows to fill in the sides of the chevrons, before doing a wedge toe? I have a couple old knitting books, and they show doing a chevron pattern totally by doing short rows. I don't know if they really didn't understand about dec vs inc making it 'bend' or if the short rows was some 'new' technique.

  3. Short rows are a good idea, Tracy. I also though about filling in with mitered triangles.... That's part of what I like about knitting, there's usually more than one way (sometimes many) to approach a given situation.

  4. The chevron sock is turning out awesome! Love the pattern and the yarn color!

  5. Hey! That's a good sock plan! I like it a lot!


  6. THanks all. FO pictures going up tomorrow.


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