Thursday, April 26, 2007

Thank you all for the good sock yarn suggestions in the comments to my last post. Anonymous, the Cherry Tree Hill is gorgeous! (and Little Knits had so many other temptations..., Yarn Forward, too...) So far I've just been doing "catch and release" shopping (to use Catbookmom's apt phrase), but have bookmarked for future reference. If anyone does have actual experience with the Knit Picks sock yarn I'd love to hear your opinion of how well it does (or doesn't) wear, because it occurred to me that I could order their Bare version and dye it myself. Kmkat wants to know, too, about how well it wears. Tracy, you are braver than I am (or have better eyesight) to knit socks in black [G].

Joan asked whether I Can't Believe I'm Knitting Socks has directions for converting a pattern from "four needle" to "two circs". I'm so glad you asked.

First because I'm happy to say that it does. They are concise, but I think should be understandable if you have already done socks on circs.

Secondly, because it gives me the chance to give proper credit. I am so pleased and delighted to have my patterns published and turned into a book, ("pleased and delighted" is an understatement - I was about turning somersaults). And when I say "turned into" I mean that the staff at Leisure Arts took some suggested tips, hints and options that accompanied the patterns I sent them, and then thought of even more good ideas to include (like how to convert a pattern for two circs), and decided it would be really great to have clear pictures of all the steps of knitting a sock from cast on to grafting, and wrote them all up and clarified things (and undoubtedly caught mistakes) and did a really cute layout and created this terrific little book. There's a whole staff listed at the end, who really should have their names on the cover instead of me. (Well, with me, I'm not all that self effacing.)

So with that off my chest, I really can say Whoo Hoo! Thank you to everyone who's sent good wishes and congratulations. I've got my name on a book that is going to be in actual stores! My mother is happy. My husband is proud. And I'm doing a little happy dance with somersaults.


  1. Whoa! That is so exciting! Hearty congratulations!! I must have missed something somewhere (though I'm spacing out a lot these days), because I recall you were working on your baby set patterns for publication....but I don't remember the book part. Just awesome! And, thrilled you are one of my neighbors! I'll be watching for it in the stores!

  2. Having written a review of your book on my blog, I want to say again how thrilled I am for you, and what a terrific book this is for sock knitters, both new and more experienced. Girl, you *need* to put a link to it on Amazon on your blog!

  3. Congratulations for the new book. I learn your blog from catbookmom, since then, I am your frequent blog visitor.SK

  4. Oooh how exciting! Congratulations Cindy, producing a book is a whole lot of hard work. I'm off to look at the review now

  5. Congratulations on the book! I can't wait to see it.
    And a partial clarification...if I remember correctly, I wanted the black yarn so I could make some "Faux Fair Isle" socks, combining it with self patterning sock yarn. That shouldn't be too challenging, will it? I hadn't thought about working with a dark, solid colour!


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