Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Tra-la, It's May....

There was no May basket at the front door this morning, but this in the back yard makes up for the omission.

There's nothing like an apple tree in bloom to make a person feel glad to be alive.

We also have these:

And, full disclosure, these:

What can I say? I hate putting poison on the ground, and digging them all is beyond the limits of my time and energy. They are really pretty enough (before they go to seed). If they would only hold up when cut....


We had a lovely time Saturday evening. Met our dearest daughter in Madison and went to a neat restaurant called Bunky's on Atwood Ave. The best lentil soup I have ever had. Then we went and walked in the lovely Olbrich gardens, one of Madison's treasures. I wish I had brought the camera. One meadow garden was planted with naturalized jonquils and species tulips and fritillaria, and it reminded me of nothing so much as the background to a medieval tapestry. The Lady and the Unicorn might have been just around the corner.


I've added a link to the sock book over in the sidebar. Thanks for the nudge, Catbookmom. It really was easier to do than I had anticipated.


  1. That is sooo cool about your book! I'm loving our spring weather, and all of the blooming flowers and trees, too!

  2. AnonymousMay 01, 2007

    Oooh, I've been to Olrich Gardens! I took so many pictures there I filled up the memory card on my camera :) Congrats on your book!

  3. AnonymousMay 02, 2007

    Thank you for the picture of the violets. That's one of the things I miss most about living up north -the violets blooming in the spring along the driveway & hunting for the ever illusive white ones.
    (I'm originally from Chicago - transplanted to Florida)

  4. Oh the white violets, my grandma had some in her yard....


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