Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I have a passion for tulips. Even in a good year, it is a dilemma whether to cut some and bring them into the house or leave them alone for full outdoor display. This year, with the lengthy late freeze followed by heavy rain, the "display" is sadly reduced. Should I let the poor stragglers be, or still bring some in? I decided to cut at least a few, because 1) between the weather and the knitting project, I'm not getting a lot of time outside and 2) part of what I love about tulips is the way they slowly and subtly transform in shape and color. When I have a vase of them in a spot I pass many times a day I can watch the transformation. So this morning I raided the yard, going mostly for stems that were already pushed down so low the flowers hardly showed from any distance.

Speaking of the knitting project, I have finished the first set (sweater/blanket/bonnet) and have started on the second.

Someday soon, I would like to use this stitch pattern on socks. In fingering/sock weight I could just fit four repeats around. And while I'm thinking of socks, does anyone know of a good source for solid colored sock yarn (the standard wool/nylon blend) in a wide range of colors, including brights?


  1. Your blanket is just lovely! I was wondering the same thing about sock yarn! I haven't really searched for it yet, but will be wondering if you find any good places for the wool/nylon solid color sock yarn.

  2. I think buying solid colored sock yarn has become a real challenge. I've heard the Knit Picks sock yarn doesn't stand up real well to use, otherwise I suggest that as one option.

    Love the baby blanket!

  3. has some cherry tree hill merino solid on sale.
    Love the blanket.

  4. I use Lang Jawolle superwash (80% wool - 20% nylon, iirc) for solids. It's available at The Yarnery in St. Paul and online at various places. Here's one:

    I'm a novice sock knitter, though, so my experience is limited. Elizabeth's comment worries me a bit b/c I have some KP sock yarn in the stash earmarked for a sweater. The sweater won't get nearly as hard wear as a sock, though, so maybe it's okay.

  5. Look at they have a good listing of sock yarns. Kroy used to have a good range, not so much anymore. And there was ....uh...I think it was Sockotta at the store I went too, lots of plain colours, but I was looking for black so I don't remember about brights.

  6. Beautiful blanekt, Cindy!

    I was wondering if your new book (HUGE congrats) explains how to adapt dp sock patterns to 2 circs? I use exclusively 2 circs but only Sensational Socks & Cat Bordhi's one book provides patterns written for 2 circs. So I need help with making the conversions myself.
    Good luck with your book! I'll be checking out Jo-ann's for it.

  7. Well, I love Mountain Colors Bearfoot. It knits up like a dream. It's handpainted, and mostly variegated, but they do have some nice solitary (solid) colors. Some others:


    Lorna's Laces Shepherd's Sock

    Gems Opal

    Sundara Yarn

    There are also a lot of independent dyers on Etsy; some will dye to customer specifications.


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