Monday, February 05, 2007

Poor Mr. S. Just about every school district in the state is closed due to the cold. But because today was already scheduled as a teacher work day (no kids in school) he had to go to work anyway....

Speaking of teaching, I spent the morning pulling lesson outlines and handouts together, just in case enough students sign up for the Blackhawk Tech class scheduled to begin next week. This time, I'm going to try teaching them the knit stitch before the cast on. I've done it the other way around in the past, but I want to compare which approach goes more smoothly. Of course, if experience is any guide, there is no norm. Each student picks things up differently, and each class has a different dynamic. Next prep step is to pull together my "show and tell" box with project ideas and resources. I wish the college would run a class even with 4 or 5 students, but they charge so little that they couldn't pay me if they did that. Last I checked there were 4 registrations, need to get to 7 for it to be a go.


  1. Hope you get enough students this time! It will be interesting to see how it goes if you start them off on knitting right away. It does seem like it might be easier. I guess that means you will have to do the casting on. I'm self taught so I didn't have any choice :)

    Have you done any publicity for the class? Like putting up posters around campus and in any yarn stores nearby. Don't forget the library!

  2. Is this the Blackhawk Tech in Janesville WI? I think that you and I had an email exchange thanks to calamintha. I am the poor soul who can NOT work with dpn... I hope you get enough students for a class.
    Patricia Ortiz
    love your blog..


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