Saturday, February 03, 2007

Baby It's Cold Outside

Given that the temperature was ten below when I left the house, I thought I might have a slow morning at the library. But by the time I closed at noon, thirty-one people had been through, which is just about average for a Saturday morning. Most came in with a comment about the weather, and left with a "Stay warm!" But everyone was rather jolly about it. The cold does bring out a nice sense of camaraderie, at least once you're inside where it's warm enough to linger and chat....

When I got home, yee-ha! Mr. S. had been to the Post Office, and my package from Angelika's Yarn Store (aka had come. I had been to the closest LYS last Sunday in search of a particular circular needle, but they didn't have it in stock. So having tried to "buy local" I thought I would give Angelika a try. Was I impressed by the service! I ordered Wed. The package arrived today. Along with the five needles I ended up deciding I couldn't live without, she sent some really beautiful Lorna's Laces yarn samples.
Plus there was a sock pattern, and a nice flyer for Oat Couture patterns, so it was a fun package indeed.
I abandoned swatching for the afternoon (none done yesterday due to various Places I Had to Be, including one that involved the always semi-hallucinatory experience of having my eyes dilated.) But I did finish up knitting the first half of the scarf version of Tiger, Tiger.
I have tightened up the spacing of the motifs a bit, and used plain garter for the edging. I rough blocked "on needle" after about the first third of it, and I think a good blocking is going to be enough to keep the curl under control. So on to the second half, and to getting the directions down on paper in a fashion readable to someone besides me.
The new Patternworks Catalog and the Woodland Woolworks updates arrived in the mail, too, so I'm set for tonight's bedtime reading. Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. Cold. Yep. And colder tomorrow.

    I love that scarf. Wonderful marriage of pattern, color, and fiber.


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