Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Responding and Absorbing

Good suggestion about the flyers Calamintha. I have just printed off a few (and, duh, why didn't I think of the library? Sometimes my mind seems to work in totally separate compartments that don't communicate with each other at all). I'm almost self taught, but did have someone show me how to cast on, knit and purl. So I'm rather impressed that you managed it on your own.

Hi Patricia. Thanks for the nice words; I do remember you. This is the same Blackhawk Tech, but the Monroe campus. Don't worry about the dpn situation. Lot's of people prefer the Magic Loop or "two circs" alternatives. I understand there is a LYS in Janesville. Have you been there? I would like to check it out, but don't get over in that direction very often.

Back when I was talking about the Susanna Lewis book, Jr_Goddess said, "Sometimes I need to read things six times before I GET it." I hear you, sistah. I have been pouring over it trying to absorb and understand as much as possible before I have to return it. Fortunately, the lending library has allowed me to renew it, so I have it for a couple more weeks.

One of the most helpful/illuminating sections of the book is her analysis and discussion of bias, the several different ways it is created, how it can be tamed or enhanced. OK, it's kind of wonky, but I really, really appreciate a book that helps me understand why certain stitch combinations behave the way they do. I already knew, from Barbara Walker, that a pattern where the decreases always come after their corresponding yo's will bias to the right. One paragraph in Lewis explained why.

"Every eyelet increase causes the fabric to grow in width by one stitch, pushing the stitches between itself and the selvedge outward by one stitch. At the same time, every companion decrease causes the fabric to shrink in width by one stitch, pulling the stitches between itself and the selvedge inward by one stitch. When the decrease is to the left of the eyelet increase,...the fabric will grow toward the right and shrink from the left, and the selvedges will lean from left to right.... It doesn't matter whether the style of decrease is left-leaning... or right-leaning.... The determining factor is the position of the decrease relative to its eyelet."

Well, that should have been obvious to me, but it wasn't, until she stated it so clearly. And in fact, that paragraph didn't take re-reading to absorb. It was a "Eureka" moment. But I am on my third go-through with the part about "eyelets and decreases forming a wedge". I understand it as I read, but it hasn't thoroughly soaked in yet. Maybe the sixth time will be the charm.

1 comment:

  1. I hope the flyers will net you a few more students this time.

    When I taught myself to knit from a pamphlet I was a fearless, overconfident teenager :) I didn't know anyone who knew how to knit though so it was do or die!


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