Thursday, February 01, 2007

I'll miss you Molly

I was so very sad to hear that columnist Molly Ivins has died. She was one of the brightest, funniest, fiercest political writers we had. Molly cared passionately about politics, and was fearless in calling things as she saw them. She could puncture pretension and prevarication with deadly wit. And she was never, never mean spirited. In a world where political discourse is increasingly dominated by Fox News style vituperation , I think I'll miss that most.


  1. I listened to some of the NPR interviews with Ms Ivins and enjoyed them thoroughly, especially the 2003 spot in which she 'translated' some of GW's "Bushisms". Had me ROFL. Here's the link to the list of audio clips.

  2. Hear, hear. I loved Bushwhacked by her, read by Anna Fields, who also died recently. RIP, Molly; you were a pip.


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