Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Well I've been playing with the Misti

I decided that I could use a scarf more than another shawl. I swatched a few patterns that didn't really please me. I love the colors of this yarn, but they do fight with a lot of stitch patterns. They remind me (in a good way) of tree bark and lichens. So I finally settled on this (you can click the picture to make it big).

To me, the pattern definition shows up a little better in the picture than in real life. I should note that this is not a cable pattern. It's formed with yarn overs and decreases. On slightly larger needles, in a solid color and blocked hard it might look sort of lacy. As is, I'm going with subtle texture.

This is the chart I came up with. I repeated Rows 1-10 three times, then 11-20 three times, then 1-10 3x, then 11-20 3x, and so on.

(can also click to make bigger)

I'm actually working on 67 stitches, repeating the sections between the vertical red lines. Also, it's a bit fiddly to reposition markers between Rows 10 & 11, but worth it.

Thursday, February 02, 2012


I've got a little over 800 yds of lace weight Misti Baby Alpaca (and very pretty it is). The question now is what to do with it? "Lace Shawl" seems like the obvious answer, but I'm not sure I need one. Any other ideas, anyone? In the meantime I guess I'll swatch a little and see if the yarn talks to me.

Note to self: stop and think a little before your next impulse purchase.

In the meantime, I am 3/4 of the way through the edging on the jazzy blanket. Plain garter stitch in black Knit Picks "Stroll".

I ordered twice what it's turning out to need. In my defense, I had initially though I might do a wider border, but once I got going I liked the look of a narrower one.