Thursday, January 26, 2012

From the Anglo-Norman"Dormeus" Which Means "Sleepy One"

What shall I call
My dear little dormouse?
His eyes are small,
But his tail is e-nor-mouse.

from "The Christening" by A.A. Milne

Another Extremely Colorful Project

Since winter finally did arrive in Wisconsin, I needed another pair of thick socks. The pattern is absolutely plain Jane; but the yarn choice (1 strand of solid Opal and 1 strand of hand painted Trekking), well, the colors might help keep my feet warm all by themselves.

Of course, much of this brightness will be hidden under 1) legwarmers, 2) long johns and 3) jeans, in that order from the skin out.

BTW - a wave, a smile and a "Thank You" to all who have commented recently. After such a long time away from the blog it's nice for me to hear from you.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Feeling the Kauni Love

A few weeks ago I was in The Sow's Ear, and totally on impulse picked up a ball of Kauni in the bright rainbow colorway. I'd admired this yarn from afar, but never used it before.

Being the impatient type that I am, I grabbed a likely sized circular needle, figured that I would have enough yarn for a shawlette/capelette and cast on for a top down something that would either be a wearable object or a very large swatch.

I used a tab start (first time for me) and sort of winged it for the shaping, which I wanted to be semi-circular, only more than a half circle so it would fit over the shoulders better. After an initial stockinette-with-a-couple-of-garter-rows section I switched to some modifications of pattern stitches from Waterman's Traditional Knitted Lace Shawls.

I got lucky. Things worked out well.

(I only wish I could claim to have knit the Aran sweater under my wearable swatch, but that was made in Ireland.)

Monday, January 16, 2012

You Know That Thing Where You Make a Project to Use up Stash

and then have to buy yarn to complete it? I may be there.

I finished off the body of the jazzy blanket, but it needs a border. And I think a solid color would be best, probably black or dark gray (since black can be a pain to work with).

Don't think I have enough of either color on hand in the right weight - or of any solid, for that matter. Hmmmm.