Sunday, July 11, 2010


Somebody, take away my Internet, please, for my own good.

I've been dragged into the Ravelry pattern reclassification vortex. If you aren't tuned in to Ravelry, they have asked users to help classify and assign attributes to their database of knitting and crochet patterns (over 100,000).

It started innocently enough, when I did my own designs. Then I kept going.... It's like crack. My weekend is gone. I have other things I should be doing....

On the other hand, I've only reviewed 277. Some folks have done over 1000.


  1. AnonymousJuly 11, 2010

    ...and that is why Ravelry and Web 2.0 are so great: no one person has to do it all. Many keyboards make light work.

    Now go knit or something ;-)

  2. I almost got sucked in but came to my senses at the last minute! I'd be in there and never get out!


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