Monday, July 12, 2010

Back to the Real World

So, I took Kmkat's good advice and picked up some real (as opposed to virtual) knitting, very soothing after the reclassification frenzy. I managed to finish off the second skinny looking mitt and make a start on the headband.

I also managed to knock off a couple of loads of laundry, and get myself slightly more organized/partially packed for Knitting Camp. Ohmygosh, it's only three days away! I dithered about what to bring for "Show and Tell". The handout says only one thing... I ended up stuffing a few in the bag and will make up my mind when I get there. It did say bring things you can wear as an extra way to share/show off (though how much wool can you wear in Wisconsin in July, even if it is air conditioned?).

Another, happy, real world event takes place this evening. In a few hours I'll be heading to Madison to pick up Mr S. He left Heathrow somewhere around 3 a.m. our time. It's been almost a month. It will be mighty nice to have him home.


  1. Don't forget. After you come home from Knit Camp-it's Knit Night Friday night!

  2. AnonymousJuly 13, 2010

    Have a great time at Knit Camp!


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