Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Back Again

We had a wonderful trip to New Orleans.

Saturday was cool and rainy off and on.

We took the streetcar out to the art museum in City Park. When we came out again the sun had emerged.

Unfortunately, the St Charles streetcar line was having difficulties, so we never made it out to the Garden District. But that's OK. Just means we will need to take another trip down there.

That night we went to Donna's for jazz. Bad picture, but great music. The trumpeter on the left is Leroy Jones. The trombonist is Katja Toivola (splits her time between Helsinki and New Orleans). At one point they were joined on stage by a couple of young players from Japan.

Sunday was sunny and warm. There was a big marathon taking place.

Our main "event" for Sunday was jazz brunch in the Courtyard of the Two Sisters, then more strolling in the French Quarter: more street musicians out than on our last trip - some of them very good. Both Mr S and I thought the coffee at Cafe du Monde was weaker, or had less chicory than we remembered. There were more local artisans at the French Market (though still plenty of imported schlock). The renovation of the farmer's market was done and very nice.
Up early on Monday for the trip back to "real life".

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