Thursday, February 25, 2010

Kill the Acrylic

No, that is not the war cry of a fiber purist, at least not in this case. I've finished the Rosebud shoulder shawl, and it definitely needs blocking.

But the yarn is acrylic. What to do? I've seen reference on the Ravelry forums to a blocking process called "killing" acrylic with a warm iron. I need to go back and try to find the details, but I think I'll try it on this. The whole project has been pretty much experimental, so what have I got to lose?

This will have to wait until we get back from the trip, though. I have other things that need to get done today, including a shift at work. And tomorrow we get up (in the middle of the night, really) to catch our plane.

To the Last Saturday knitting group, I really will miss being with you. I'll down an extra beignet in your honor.


  1. ohhhh -- that baby will look so nice after a good STEAM blocking. Do you have one of those steamers??? Otherwise use your steam iron: just puff all over without touching (or you'll burn a hole)

    Have a good trip!

  2. Kill a swatch first. Just to make sure you like what it does.


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