Sunday, February 07, 2010

Not Wisconsin

My sister's yard in Maryland. (Last time I posted a picture of it, the azeleas were blooming.)
Just for fun:


  1. The cartoon made me ROAR with laughter. The snow, not so much. However, your dear nephew climbed out of that porch window, into the snow, to try to reach up with the shop broom and sweep some snow off the roof and satellite dish. No luck. Oh sigh, he will have to resort to watching local channels. It is now sunny out and we may try to venture down Norbeck Rd. Apparently, not all neighboring 'hoods have power yet, so don't know where we may actually go. Feeling grateful that, right now, our power's is on. Thanks for the chuckles - can't wait to show it to S & K.

  2. What a wonderful cartoon - thanks for the great Monday morning laugh!

    It's so funny how having young cats makes one so much more aware of cat humor -- at least that's my experience :)

  3. Yikes to the snow and hurray to Simon's cat!


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