Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Metro Scarf

Some months back, I had a great deal of fun fiddling with swatches, and trying different things out and developing a new stitch pattern. At least, it's new to me, and I haven't seen exactly the same thing anywhere else. My final swatch grew into a little scarf. And the little scarf has just made it's debut in the current issue of Knitcircus magazine (#9, Spring 2010).

photo courtesy of Knitcircus

With this issue, the magazine has gone from print to online publication. For a preview of all the patterns, plus some good articles and interviews (and some "free for a short time only" pattern downloads), just go to the Knitcircus home page, then click on the image of a little magazine with turning pages. Oh, and there's a killer cookie recipe from Bezzie, and book reviews and... well just go see.


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