Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday Cat Blogging & Progress Report

Here's Merlin

And Bob

As you can see, they have been growing. I expect that Merlin has reached his full size, upward at least. (If we fed him as much as he wants, he would be growing outward for some time to come. But we are trying to hold the line.)

On the knitting front, I have gone through almost three of the four available balls of the blue/green yarn.

Unfortunately, the third ball is a rather strikingly different dye lot. However, I will press on all the same. As I suspected, four balls will not be quite enough for a decent length. So I will be adding some black at each end. I'm still not sure what I want to use for a stitch pattern, but at the rate I am going (steady but slow) I still have some time to mull it over.


  1. Totally handsome dudes. Merlin looks almost like he's recovering from a sleepless night ;->

    Knitting continues - muse have something on the needles at all times. It's hard to be addicted.

  2. Impressive progress! See, I have only myself to compare you to, since I am not stalking the shawl I think your progress is remarkable :-)


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