Thursday, January 07, 2010

In Other News

A girl can't only work on shawls, at least this one can't.

The item on the left is a little face cloth, because I needed something easy to work on at our weekly knitting group.

The item on the right is my first practice attempt at reversible two-color double knitting. My mind grasps the concept just fine. With both yarns held in front, knit a stitch with one color. With both yarns held in front, purl a stitch with the other color. Conceptually, not that complicated.

My fingers, however, are having a bit of a struggle. I first tried carrying one yarn in each hand, as I do for Fair Isle. I had a terrible time bringing both yarns forward or back at the same time. So then I tried carrying both yarns in my left hand (I normally knit Continental). This went more smoothly, but I had some problems with the yarns twisting, and my tension control was even more iffy than usual. I suppose I could try right hand "throwing" for both yarns next, but that would be so slow for me I'm not sure I could stand it. In any event, this is clearly going to take more practice.


  1. Two-color double knitting has intrigued me, too -- I have an awesome scarf done that way favorited in Ravelry. Maybe someday...

  2. I've always wanted to try the two-color double knitting... It will be interested to watch your progress with it...

  3. I did a big ol' double-knit scarf a couple of years ago and ended up with one strand in each hand. It was horribly awkward for a while, but eventually my brain and fingers got on the same page.


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