Friday, August 28, 2009

The UPS guy just came by

and dropped off a box of yarn (Yay!).

Notice that it's not blue. This is for a new design of the "I'm sorry I can't really talk about it yet" variety. The timing was perfect, as I had just finished pinning out the lace scarf, and my fingers were itching to cast on for something new.

Remembering that wet lace weight fabric turns into a limp and somewhat confusing wad, I decided to pin first, then wet it down with a spray bottle. Although the color here looks almost black, it is a dark purple with a fair amount of brown in it.

I must say that blue suits these two very well. I would think that Mr S is in danger of losing his chair, except that when he occupies it these two happily settle for his lap. The idea was one cat for each lap.....we'll see.

Bob (the tabby) has already mastered the "stare intently and purr loudly until Cindy wakes up" maneuver.


  1. awwwww -- kittens in his chair = cat hair on his butt. I hope he doesn't sit there in his dress clothes!

  2. Last night my old female cat had settled into my lap, uninvited while I was working on some socks, and then Guy Noir leaped up on the arm of the couch. I think he was getting frisky with my yarn. Anyway, hissing commenced and Hailey gouged my lap a bit during her hasty retreat. For a moment, I was afraid they were going to have a real spat right there in my lap.

  3. Let's hear it for the UPS guy!!!


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