Sunday, August 30, 2009

In Print

Last fall and winter, I knits of lot of socks - some big and some small, some in pairs and some singles, some in color patterns and some in textures. I wrote up directions and some general tips and pointers, and packed everything up and put it in the mail.

Late on Friday, another box arrived on the doorstep, with this inside

A real, honest to goodness book.

By upbringing, I'm a Minnesota/Norwegian girl, which means that I'm usually embarrassed by being the center of attention. Which means that I'm not at all good at what is generally known as "shameless self promotion". But I'll admit it. I'm pretty darn excited.


  1. As you should be!!! Is it out yet, or coming out soon?

  2. Oh, I guess I should have mentioned that. The book is out, and available from Leisure Arts and from Amazon

  3. How cool is this?! I love the cover photo. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

  4. Oh my! Congratulations! A real honest to God book. You have your own ISBN!

    Happily teasing you, and yes, it's in a good way!

    I am glad to see this! Is it better than your booklet? I recommend that to people, because it IS comprehensive.

  5. How wonderful! Congratulations!

    Phyll in Central FL

  6. Loverly! I shall have to go check it out. Socks aren't my favorite thing but they're necessary and I do knit 'em. "A Cuff Above" makes me wonder - toe up or cuff down or a mix?

  7. I'm so excited for you!

  8. Woohoo! That's wonderful - and no more than you deserve:)

    Can I get it in the UK yet?

  9. Way to go! I love the stocking, so I'm off to find the book soon!

  10. Congratulations! You must be above the moon!

  11. Cool cool cool! Kudos to you.
    (Amy sent me :-)

  12. Hmmm. By my calculations, a book arriving Friday would have been in your hands before last Saturday knitting. Yet, oddly, I don't remember seeing said book. *wanders off scratching head*

  13. You should be excited, what great news!!

  14. Whoa...hold the phone!!!! That is AWESOME! And boy, can you keep a secret!! I'm so proud! Congratulations!!!!!!!


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