Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Not Blue

When standing in front of a shelf of yarn, my hands almost automatically go first to the blues. What's not to like about blue? Or maybe blue-green, or bluish purple? But a girl can get in a rut. So when I was looking for yarn to knit a sample hat (and maybe matching handwarmers), I forced myself to look at colors that are not blue.

I came up with this.

It's not blue, and yet, I really like it.


  1. I'm like that with jewel tones. A few weeks ago I forced myself to buy some worsted-weight wool in light, neutral colors just so I would have some in case I needed it for contrast. When I got the dozen or so skeins (Knit Picks, i.e., El Cheapo) I was struck by how nice they all looked together. Who knew?

  2. And it will look pretty with blue.

    So fine!


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