Thursday, August 20, 2009

Busy, Busy

I used the Not Blue yarn to make a hat. It's the same as the purple hat from last week, but I used smaller needles for a closer fit - definite improvement.

One of the fingerless mitts is done and I have started on the second. Now I'm in the process of translating my hen scratch notes into a written pattern. Sometimes that takes longer than the actual knitting.


  1. That's a nice looking set, Cindy.

  2. They are lovely. This would be a nice pattern for a Christmas gift set. Happy Knitting.

  3. Very cute! I love the color of the yarn, too, even though I'm like you in my preference for blues...

  4. You're so clever! I wouldn't begin to know how to create a knitting pattern. Thank goodness for folks like you who can design wonderful things for the rest of us!


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