Monday, July 27, 2009

Some re-connections

On Friday I went to Madison to take my Mom for lunch for her birthday. My nephew drove up from Chicago to join us, a treat for both of us gals. I think it's been almost a year since I had seen Nick (he's working on a PhD out in California) so it was fun to catch up. His field (physics/nanotechnology) is way out of my league, but I gather that he's trying to make molecules bump into each other and form clusters, and that his research equipment consists of something like a very fancy thermos bottle.

On Saturday, the daughter, Mom and I drove to Minnesota for a family reunion (well, the daughter, bless her, did all of the actual driving). It was a long haul there and back in one day, but we had a good time. I was able to see some cousins and their families that I hadn't seen in years.

Tomorrow I'm going to reconnect with Mr S. He's been in California for a few days, and darn it, I'm starting to miss him.


During the car ride to MN I got some work done on this

Just a little bag/purse using yarn that's been in the stash forever.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like some good family togetherness time :)


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