Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I finished the purple bag

(well all except weaving in the ends), and now I'm making a cord for the drawstring.

There are lots of ways to make a cord (twisted, braided, crochet, I-cord), this one just struck me as the quickest and easiest. Cast on a number of stitches (in this case 130). Turn around and bind them off.

A short time passes..... et voila!

Now to weave in those ends....

This was improvisational knitting all the way. I cast on a few stitches using the "figure 8" cast on, kept increasing every other round or so until I figured it was big enough, worked straight for a way throwing in some simple slip stitch patterns now and then, worked a round of eyelet holes, worked even for a bit more and bound off.


  1. Your bag looks great. Love the easy I-Cord. I will have to try this method.

  2. I like the color. What type of yarn did you use, cotton? wool? Will you be lining it?


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