Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Planning Ahead

It's not something I'm always very good at, but I'm on this one. The class list for the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival is up. There is a class I want to take at a time that I can actually be there (Cat Bordhi doing socks). Instead of just thinking about it, I got on line and registered. Yay!

The weather has been bouncing around between sunny, warm, fantastic and wet, dreary, downright cold. Yesterday was the latter variety. The new shawl came in handy.

Tied around the waist like that, it stayed put all day (and no loose floppy shawl ends to get in the way in the course of a day's activities). Makes me glad I used so much nice stretchy garter stitch in the construction.

The green socks are proceeding apace.

I have mixed feelings about these. I love the color and the leg pattern, some reservations about the top of the foot. On the needles it looks OK, but when I put it on, it's stretches out and looks a bit anemic. I'm going to finish this pair as is, but tweak the design a bit and do another. The sock yarn stash needs reduction. This will give me an incentive to have at it.


  1. AnonymousJune 03, 2009

    I am thinking I might come to WI Sheep & Wool this year. Which Cat Bordhi class are you taking, the one on Friday or the one on Sunday? I would love to take that class. Also, a friend's husband has collected a bunch of sock knitting machines and I am trying to talk him into selling me one -- if I am successful I would like to take the class on sock knitting machines, too.

    I am justifying this trip to myself on the basis that I didn't even raise the possibility of going to Sock Summit 09 in Portland. That would have been upwards of a grand; this trip would be far cheaper.

  2. I'll be taking the Sunday class, but may get over to just hang out some on Saturday afternoon. It would be a total treat to meet up in person.

  3. How exciting that you get to go AND have a class too! I like your socks the way they are!!!

  4. Ooo! I love that sock pattern!

  5. Thank you for the knit-along tutorial about your scrap shawl. I think it turned out very pretty, and the edging is perfect for it!

  6. Oh I dunno, I think the socks look good the way they are now.


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