Friday, June 05, 2009

A Little Experiment

Up until now, one of the Things I Have Never Knit is a toy. I guess I never had any occasion for it. But now one of my Ravelry groups is making toys for children in traumatic situations, so I thought I would give it a shot. There are lots of really cute patterns available, but in my rather dogged way I am making this up as I go along. I have an idea of what I would like it to be (no, it's not Gumby in a sweater). We will see what happens.


  1. Annie PazooJune 05, 2009

    And what is wrong with Gumby in a sweater? Can't wait to see what it actually is/will be...

  2. AnonymousJune 05, 2009

    I firmly resist any temptation to knit toys because it seems to me there is inevitably more finishing and sewing up than there is knitting, and I HATE the finishing and sewing up. Looks like you have the good sense to make yours all in one piece. (I knew you were smart.)

  3. We'll just wait and see what happens!

    (Tune in next week, when C. knits Alan Dart's entire Noah's Ark....on steroids.) ;-)


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