Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Fingers Crossed

I have about 1/4 inch to go before starting the toe decreases on the first sock.

I think the yarn might hold out. Sweatin' it out in the home stretch, and not just because the weather has been almost too hot for knitting.


  1. Living dangerously there, hope you have enough to finish. Another vote for the toe-up...

    Oh, I read a new book to DD tonight, "Read It, Don't Eat It" by Ian Schoenherr. Take a quick peek if you have it at your library. A book to teach kids how to treat books nicely. (I'm cranky about the library book I'm currently reading which looks like it went for a dip. I can tell by the somewhat stiff undulating crinkly pages in the middle section. Why can't people treat library books (or cds, dvds, etc) like they were their own?)

  2. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Love the color. Very nice
    I am very particular about books too.


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