Monday, April 13, 2009

We lost our good cat Baxter today. The sniffles that started slowly last November were, it turned out, caused by a tumor above his hard palate. He did pretty well through the winter, and even last week he enjoyed a stroll in the yard when it was sunny, and a good lap when it was not. But his decline came very quickly, and by this morning it was clear that another day of life would not be a kindness to him.

Mr S buried him near a clump of daffodils that will be blooming soon, and set his garden St Francis near by.

Baruch hata adonai.
Blessed Be.


  1. so sorry for your loss. I know you'll always think of Baxter when you see daffodils.

  2. sympathies on your loss!

  3. Oh, I'm so sorry. It's so hard to lose a well-loved pet. At least you know you gave him a wonderful life.

  4. I am sorry to hear this. A good cat is hard to find. Poor baby.

  5. I'm so sorry to hear about Baxter. Thank you for doing the right thing by him.

    He will leave you with many good memories.

    Much love

    jeni x

  6. Oh, so sorry. I've fallen behind on blog reading, so didn't see this until just now. It's so hard to lose one of those extra special feline friends.

  7. Oh, no. Not Baxter. He was such a beautiful cat.

    I'm all too familiar with that kind of tumor, unfortunately--that's what Vincent had, and died of in 2000. His decline was horrendous. It broke my heart, as I imagine yours is also broken.

    My deepest sympathies to you and your family. RIP, Baxter.

  8. It is always so hard to lose a beloved member of the family (which all our pets are even though they walk on four legs). My thoughts are with you and Mr S during this time.

  9. I've been away and just came upon this. I am so terribly sorry, Cindy. Baxter had a long, happy life and you gave him a dignified and loving end. May it be so for us when it comes time.

    I will throw a few prayers heavenward for him and for your & Mr. S's comfort.

    Blessed be.

  10. Oh NO! Cindy, I'm so sorry! What a good mommy you are to do the hardest thing for him. Hugs to you and Mr. S.....

  11. Oh, I am so sorry. Those furry felines creep into our laps and our hearts.

  12. It's always hard to say goodbye to someone you love. ~Hugs~ to you and Mr. S.

  13. Oh Cindy I am so sorry for your loss.

  14. I'm so sorry for your loss. How awful to lose such a cherished pet!


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