Thursday, April 09, 2009

The Scrap Shawl So Far

This is the shawl I started while working the polls. It's your basic "start with 5 stitches. On every RS row inc 1 st at each end and 1 st each side of the center stitch" I throw in an extra increase at the side edges every so often, to lengthen the sides a bit.

There are a few goofs at the beginning, because pride goeth before a fall for anyone who thinks she doesn't really need to mark the center stitch. And the "side" edges (which will actually form the top of the shawl) are a bit messy, what with carrying unused colors but sometimes forgetting to twist them over long stretches).

But it's good mindless knitting, especially now that the rows are getting pretty darn long; and it will either turn out nice enough to give away or will make a warm enough "wear around the house" shawl when next winter comes.


  1. Clever way to use up scrap yarn.

  2. I love it! Hope you'll bring it to knitting in a couple weeks! Happy Easter!!

  3. Looks good, I'm making a shawl right this minute too!


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