Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A long day at the polls

I'm a bit groggy today. Yesterday was my second election as a poll worker. I was originally scheduled for 1pm to closing, but on Mon. the village clerk called in a bit of a panic because one of the morning workers was sick. So I did the whole day from set up (6:45 am) to last tally and reporting sheets (8:30 pm).

It was a really slow day. There was only one item on the ballot, a primary for the State Superintendent of Education. I brought my knitting, of course. So did most of the other poll workers. Morning to early afternoon there were two baby blankets. At shift change the knit baby blankets left, and a crochet baby blanket arrived. My project for the day was another pair of legwarmers for the KFO service project.

There was plenty of down time for chat so I learned all about 1) current uproar over the girls' basketball coach at the high school, 2) an invasion of snakes at the local hardware store (last summer, though they may be back come spring). We also discussed how recent changes by the local Internet service provider had messed up every one's email, and hashed over current events on a more national scale. General agreement on what some of the problems were: did not reach consensus on the solutions, but were cordial when differences of opinion arose.

In its own way, an interesting day.


  1. It does sound like an interesting day. Thanks for yoru civic volunteering! Grueling schedule, tho. Hope you're recuperating with a kitty, a cuppa joe, and a day full of peace-and-quiet at home. XOXO

  2. Snakes In A Hardware Store? I smell a sequel to 'Snake On A Plane!' Mousey Linda can star in it since she has previous snake experience!

  3. I did think of Linda as the story unfolded.

  4. Snake invasions, wow! - all we get are fieldmice and gifts from Magnus:)

  5. Thanks for your service as a poll worker! Your leg warmers are great!

  6. Snakes! Yikes! Guess I can't complain about mystery bugs, spiders, ants, and pantry months.

    Nice legwarmers, the striping with that variegated yarn makes them interesting.

  7. Just had to laugh regarding your conversation at the polls... Isn't that how it goes? Much discussion, yet solutions are elusive...


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