Saturday, February 21, 2009

I think I should just take my sleeping bag

I feel as if I've spent more time this week at the Village Hall than at home.

Monday night: work at the library. Tuesday: election. Wednesday night: attend Public Works Committee meeting. Thursday: work at the library. Friday: work on a Woman's Club project using space in the village office (and their copier). This morning: work at the library.

Today was the only day that involved tromping through snow to get to the door.

While digging through closets I came across a skein of Lion Brand Homespun. So I'm using it up on a garter stitch scarf for the service project. And I'm almost half way up the back on the purple vest.
The back of the vest is, quite frankly, a little boring to work. So it's not going too fast. The scarf is mindless enough that I can work on it while talking or watching TV. The pattern stitch on the vest requires just enough attention that I can't, even though it is rather numbingly repetitive in it's own way. Oh well, I'll get to the armhole shaping soon. That should liven things up.


  1. Yay. She's so disciplined, working on boring purple!


  2. I didn't realize the library was in the Village Hall - I always thought it was in a house up the street from you.

    The snow looks so lovely and quiet. (Not as quiet, I imagine, as watching it from inside the quiet of your own home however).


  3. Is Village Hall the same thing as saying City Hall? I guess so. Interesting that you have that, the library, and the police station all together in one building.

    Ugh, you've reminded me that I have 2 skeins of LB Homespun from Nov/Dec 2004 when I started knitting. Made one scarf with it and decided I did not like the yarn.

    I seem to be a yarn hoarder rather than a knitter. If the yarn is yucky, it just sits around cuz I don't want to use it. If the yarn is nice, then I want to wait for that one "special" project before I use it ... which means I don't get to knit with it.

  4. it still looks very chilly with you - I think a scarf is the right idea:)


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