Sunday, December 14, 2008

I haven't disappeared,

it's just been a busier than usual week. I subbed for the High School secretary on Thursday and Friday, which meant working at the Library on Wednesday instead of Thursday, plus my regular Saturday morning shift.
My favorite substitute secretary moment was when I picked up the phone and heard, "Hi, did my wife just try to call me?" Uh, I don't know, outgoing calls don't go through the front desk, and so far I don't have a clue who you are so I don't even know who your wife is. Seriously, I just asked who he was, and transferred him to his wife's room. I've decided that just about the most helpful person in the place is the head of the maintenance department, because he generally knows where to find whoever it is I'm trying to locate.
Today we put up the Christmas tree., feels cozy to get that done. We still go for a fresh tree every year, though we no longer go out and cut our own. We've decided that a Balsam is the perfect variety - lots of spaces for ornaments, and the needles are soft enough that they don't scratch up our hands.

And the little village scene went up, too.

Some knitting going on that I can't discuss just yet, and I did whip up a floofy scarf as a gift for a friend who doesn't read this.
Warm, windy and overcast for the last day and a half. Much of the snow is gone. We are supposed to have rain, possibly heavy, later today, than a sharp freeze after that. Fingers crossed here that it doesn't turn into a real ice storm. We'll hope for the best.


  1. I do TOO read this! :-P
    Beautiful decorations!

  2. looks lovely and festive :)

  3. Lovely tablecloth under the village!
    When I was in teacher's college, they emphasized that for new teachers/supply teachers, get to know the janitors and the secretary at each school!


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