Tuesday, December 09, 2008

A Good Morning's Work

I mailed off the holiday packages to my brother's family in IL and my sister's family in MD. Doesn't sound like a big deal - just a trip to the post office. But first I had to shovel out this:

Also scrape about 1/4 inch of ice off all the car windows. Also rake as much snow as possible off the roof. But it wasn't that cold out, and it felt good to get outside and moving. Don't think I've had that much glow in my cheeks since last winter.


  1. Shovel? You mean one of those instruments of back torture? You have my admiration. Smokey just finished plowing our driveway with his *new* 20+-year-old Jeep with a plow blade on the front. Much easier...

  2. All that snow! I wish some of it would blow my way. All we have is rain, rain, rain !


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