Monday, November 17, 2008

More prizes and a comment response

The mail has been good to me lately. I won some more prizes in the KFO fundraiser raffle. The beautiful skein on the left is 200 hundred meters of Wollmeise worsted weight merino - very soft in lovely denim shades - donated by Julia (juulia on Ravelry). The little white box contains a pair of handcrafted earrings from her Etsy shop, I feel almost ungrateful for not showing them, but they are going to be a gift for someone who stops by here occasionally. So do click on that link to see how pretty her work is.

The book on the right is from Margaret Nock, (MargKnittinAround on Rav). Her book, Knit 1 for The Road, is a nice throw-it-in-your-knitting-bag size collection of small projects that are within reach of beginners, but would make great commuting/conversational/waiting room projects for experienced knitters.
They all use worsted weight, and several are one-skein projects. I have one skein of the Wollmeise. Hmmmmm.

My most recent knitting will be a prize going out, rather than coming in. I was asked to contribute something for a local fundraising raffle, so I used some stash yarn for a quick scarf.

I don't care if it is out of style, I still like that paper-tag stuff. We'll see if any of the ticket buyers feel the same way.
Now re the questions on the klub recipe: When I called Lavonne to ask about the process, her first response was "Oh, do you have some blood you need to use?" I was so busy assuring her, no, I just was curious about the process, that it didn't occur to ask where she got hers. I'm rather assuming that when her daughter (a farmer) has a cow butchered they save the blood. I'm also assuming that I could place an order with Hoesley's, the butcher shop in New Glarus. I could do further research, but it's all starting to feel slightly vampirish and I think I will let it go.


  1. Beautiful blue shades in your Wollmeise. The scarf looks like yarn with streamers stuck on it. I don't think I've ever seen yarn like that before. I bet somebody will like it.

    We'll start worrying when you tell us you're sharpening your teeth. ;-)

  2. Wow, you are a LUCKY winner! People have fights for Wollmeise.

    Remind me to tell you about when Scott had a job in a lab in college. He had to collect brains from the slaughterhouses in Chicago once or twice a week.

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