Wednesday, November 19, 2008

As the days get shorter and darker

I find myself craving bright colors, so I dug out the brightest leftovers I could find and started in on these.

Looks rather huge in close up, but that's a little baby sock. Almost instant gratification color fix.


I hadn't been to the website in a while to play the vocabulary game (might have had something to do with a slight fixation on political websites over the last few months), but I popped by a week or so ago. Oh frabjous day! The have added new categories. And the one I just love is "Famous Paintings". They show you a picture, you pick one of four artists. I'm pretty darn good at the Western artists (if only by knowing enough to do some decent process of elimination). Hopeless at the Middle Eastern and Asian. But I love seeing all the paintings.

Now the Chemistry and Math areas, I'm not even going to go there; but I may take a whack at English grammar.

Question: has anyone ever made a draft stopper, and if so, what did you use to fill it? I have drafts under some doors. I have socks that have perfectly good legs, but feet that have been mended more than once. I have a little recycling idea.....


  1. Re: FreeRice

    Thank you ever so much for another internet time suck. At least it's for a good cause...

  2. I made one once that had sand in it. It was heavy and stayed in place. If you need something a little lighter you could use 1/2 fiberfill and 1/2 sand. Don't know how well the socks would hold the sand though. You may have to line it with something denser.
    Free Rice-YAY!

  3. I wonder about some combination of fluff and weight, kind of like in Beanie Babies...

    Oh, I see MollyBee just said that.

  4. Sand. Or maybe rice? Un-uh. That's what got my tendinitis going the last time someone told me about it. (++)- I can't see that.

  5. I've visited on and off ever since I saw it mentioned in an issue of Parenting magazine. I knew they added other languages and such, but didn't notice the Paintings option. Will have to go check it out. The site was not good for my wrist (too much clicking), but it became better when I accessed it on my iPod.

  6. Have you thought about using "rice" in your draft stopper? Real brown rice? OR depending on the style of holder, some of the square cut but long stuff they sell to act as window air conditioner insulation. I have some under my 2nd door at the work office - keeps the draft from the foyer out nicely.

  7. Always fun to drop by and see what you're working on! Cute sock -- now, of course, I'm wondering if you're going to try to line up the stripes on the second sock... Good luck with the draft dodger... Can't wait to see what you create for that!


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