Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Visible Progress

As it turned out, the school secretary's plans changed at the last minute, and my subbing gig at the High School got cancelled. But that's OK, because it left me with a suddenly free afternoon yesterday. So I finished the heel flaps and turns on the Crest O' The Wave Socks.

Now I've started the gusset decreases on the first one. Got to admit, I love the parts where the rounds get shorter as you go.


  1. A surprise free afternoon? Awesome...don't get any better than that!

  2. Having unexpected extra time is such a nice treat. I didn't know you knit both socks simultaneously. I always assumed that when people knit 2 socks at the same time, they were doing it on one long circular needle. I can't say why it never occurred to me that it can be down with DPNs, lol. Seems so simple now.

  3. It's nice when time suddenly opens up for a few hours like that! And, even better, as knitters, we never have to wonder how we'll fill the time! The socks look great!


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