Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I still can't quite believe it

This appeared in the mail today.

It's the OOP book my heart has been craving for, oh, ever so long - in perfect, like new condition. It was shoeburyness' amazing prize contribution to the last Ravelry Knitters for Obama raffle. And I won it! I never win anything, but I won it!

If you are by any chance a Ravelry member and politically like minded, a second raffle has started, with some equally incredible prizes (new Louet spinning wheel, personally inscribed/signed copy of Franklin's new book, yarn in personal custom colorway from Black Bunny, many others). The raffle will be running through Oct 31, and full details are here.


  1. That's the best! Winning something AND winning something that you've always wanted. :-)

  2. Ooooh, congratulations! Looks like an inspiring read:)

  3. i have a copy of that, i wouldn't part with it for anything. my GodSister inscribed it to me, in her very special multi-colored pencil....."how can you know how to do this?"

    you will make great use of that book, i 'm sure.

    marie in florida
    mym on Ravelry

  4. Wow, what a prize! I know you'll find some beautiful patterns in it, and you'll write them up for your pattern-lovin' friends. ;D

  5. Wow. WOW.

    Even if you are voting for a man with less Federal experience than I have.

    (eye rolling) Would I choose the same thing if I still sang "and it's mellow tones are these, Illinois, Illinois" and lived in a Chicago suburb? It's possible.

    Have a good day.


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