Saturday, August 16, 2008

A shift in the seasons?

When I got up this morning, the air was so cool I pulled on a pair of wool socks for the first time in months. I expect I'll need to pull them off again later, as the weather report is predicting a high of 82. Still, the light is slanting lower in the sky. Tilting toward autumn.


Last night I made a quick emergency run to The Sow's Ear for some needles. You would think that with the jumble of double points in my basket I would have at least one set of every imaginable size. But no, as a matter of fact, I did not have the size I needed to get gauge on a swatch. One size larger, yes. One size smaller, yes. Sigh! Heather didn't have a bamboo set in stock, so I decided to try Inox. Will give my impressions after I give them a whirl. Couldn't stay for Late Night Knitting, but did run into Molly Bees, so I got to see her Olympic Dishcloth. Also her really adorable crocheted alphabet baby blanket for Project Linus.


The car has been making weird clunking noises. As soon as Mr S gets back from Kentucky, I'll have him take a listen. In the meantime (it's only til Tuesday) guess I'll stick close to home.


  1. Waah! Sorry I missed you! Molly Bees told me you had made a quick stop. Guess I was waiting for the Kitty Daddy and making sure everyone got fed before I left for Knit Night!

  2. What is it with needles and how we almost always have sizes just bigger and smaller than what we actually need? There's some sort of *thing* amuck in the universe regarding the knitting needles...

    Car problems are such nuisances, yes? Ours has been conking out for a year, and after looking at it a couple of times, our local service shop still is unable to diagnose the problem. Of course, they were only able to get it to conk out once for them....though I can get it to conk out any time I am in a hurry someplace...

  3. I've been having that changing season feeling here too. The wind is stronger, colder and the nights are drawing in.
    Definately a good time for wooly socks!

  4. It was so good to see you Friday. I'm glad Fall is heading this way too. It's my favorite time of year. If only it would last 'til April!

  5. My car is making an intermittent weird clunking noise, too. But I think it's my tail pipe working loose.

  6. Tom too is suprised that with my virtual wealth of needles I am always saying "Crap I have to go buy needles"

    Ans my car too is making noises--the heat shield is rattling


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