Sunday, August 17, 2008

I do love me some Opal

I really love Opal sock yarn, especially the Hundertwasser series. When I made my needle run to the Sow's Ear on Friday, they just happened to have the new 2008 colors. I hadn't even known there were going to be new colors, but there are, based on another series of paintings. So after some dithering back and forth over several choices I picked one called Die Nachbarn I Spiralsonne und Mondhaus. At least, I think that's what it's called. My German is a little non-existent. But that's the phrase coming right after the color number. And the painting does have a squarish spiral something or other and a haus.

The colors are definitely darker and more intense than they look in the photo, with a decidedly autumnal feel. Oh, and the purchase put me over the top on my loyalty card, $25 credit for me. So the yarn really paid for itself. I almost bought another color on the spot, but decided to wait and savor the anticipation.....

While I was taking the picture, I heard some rustling behind me.

If there's a bag available, Baxter will climb in it.


I like the Inox double points very well. Nice long tapered tips. Very smooth, but not so slick that they fall out when I toss the current sock on the chair to get up to grab the phone. Over at the Knitter's Review Forums, Calamintha has been recommending these for lace knitting, and now I can see why. The same qualities make them good for cables, which is what I'm using them for at the moment. They feel stiff compared to bamboo or plastic, but that's what I need, because some of those twists are tight. They were reasonably priced, too.

I'm also using some little 5" Brittany Birch dpns. Not for the main knitting, they would be too short for me to use for anything but fingers or thumbs. But they make just dandy cable needles.


  1. Clever Baxter - he's sniffing out the new knitting purchases:)

  2. I love that the bag is just the perfect size for him! Too cute. (Pretty yarn...)

  3. I LOVE that colorway of Opal. Hmmmmm...may have to partake of that myself!

    Baxter, you nut you! My nephews' cat used to love to crawl in the plastic tube the newspaper came in and then chew his way out the bottow. He looked like a cat sausage!


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