Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Zipping Along

The new lace scarf is moving along very quickly, almost half done (excluding edgings). To be precise, I've used 1.7 out of four ounces, though a bit of that went to swatching.

Part of this may be the weather. It's been cool and rainy, so there has been no temptation to go wandering around outside for half the day.

And I think some of it is the needles. When I was at the store, they didn't have the brand of bamboo needles I wanted in the size I needed, so I thought "what the heck" and took an Inox Express. (I know, a big difference.) It's been quite a while since I've used really slick metal needles. By golly I think I really am knitting faster on them. The tips aren't particularly sharp, but as the yarn is nicely elastic and not splitty I haven't had any trouble digging into the K2tog's.

It doesn't hurt that the yarn is a real pleasure to work with. It's soft, with a little bit of an almost springy feel to it, and I'm still loving the color.

No new picture though, because 20 some inches of unblocked lace isn't that much more interesting to look at than 6 inches.

Instead I give you my incentive to dig the rest of the weeds out of the flower beds.


  1. I love metal needles. I swear I knit faster on them too. They aren't as pointy and don't jab into my palms as easily either!

  2. I used to like knitting on metal needles, too, though since I was diagnosed with a contact allergy to tin (of all things!) a couple of years ago, I stopped buying them. The KnitPicks dpn's are all tin plated, though a lot of the metal needles probably don't have tin in them, but I'm unable to discern that from looking at them. I think wood is much slower, too! Maybe that's why it seems to take forever for me to make a pair of socks...

  3. Oops -- Not sure why that came out as "anonymous", but I'll try again with the "YarnThrower".....

  4. With socks, I've always worried about metal needles falling out too easily. Though if I would switch to magic loop or two circs, this wouldn't be an issue, I suppose.
    I was just assuming that the Inox were nickle plated, but when I looked on the package it doesn't say. So I dunno....

  5. I love bachelor buttons! They are one of the very few truly blue flowers, but the reason I have a soft spot for them is that my mom let me pick them as much as I wanted when I was a kid.


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