Thursday, April 10, 2008

A Pile O' Lace

The Little Leaf Stripe Scarf is off the needles - finished the last bit at the regular Thursday knit/gossip session.

Now to weave in ends and block, and I'll be able to cross off another Mission Possible item.


I'm sorry to say that The Garter Belt website may not be around much longer. Elizabeth summed up the situation well in her post on the Ravelry forum:

"Many of you have been aware that we’ve had communication issues over the last 1.5 years. I want to give everyone a fair warning that the domain registry for The Garter Belt site expired on Mar 18, 2008. We have not had contact with Wendy Wonnacott in several months and we do not have the log-in information necessary to maintain the site. Right now, we’re on borrowed time and the site might vanish any day between now and the end of June. Most of us will be making our patterns, both free and paid, available either from our blogs or through Ravelry. If there’s a particular pattern you want, and can’t find it after TGB vanishes, please contact the individual designer.

Thanks so much for all your support during this venture. It’s been quite a ride!"

I want to add my own thanks to everyone who put time and effort into the site. As the saying goes, it was fun while it lasted.

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